Dental care innovator achieves $17m inventory reduction and 150% productivity boost.
quip has rapidly emerged as a disruptor in the dental care industry with sleek,design-forward electric toothbrushes and a customer-centric approach. Theirmission to make better oral health care accessible is supported by productsavailable online and in retail stores, as well as a subscription service that accountsfor 20% of their overall demand.
As their customer base and product lines grew, so did the complexity of their supplychain. To maintain growth without compromising efficiency or customer satisfaction,quip turned to ketteQ and its PolymatiQ™ Solver for an adaptive supply planningand inventory management solution.
Our decision to replace our legacy system with ketteQ to increase our inventory and supply planning capabilities was absolutely the right call. ketteQ stepped up with data integration, user training and transformation services that minimized any burden on internal business and IT, deploying solutions that help us grow our business and better serve both our customers and retail partners.
quip’s rapid growth posed a critical challenge: their legacy system supplychain planning system struggled to keep pace with their dynamicmarket. The rigidity of their existing planning system limited accurateforecasting and optimal inventory management, resulting in suboptimalfill rates and excess stock.
quip faced a unique dual-demand structure: predictable subscriptionorders and variable new sales through online and retail channels. Theirlegacy system was not designed to handle these distinct streamseffectively, leading to inefficiencies. To sustain growth and meet customerdemands, they needed a flexible and intelligent solution capable ofadapting to both subscription and market-driven demands.
Discover how ketteQ's PolymatiQ™-powered Adaptive Supply Chain Planning solution can help your business proactively navigate disruptions and optimize performance. To learn more, visit
quip partnered with ketteQ to leverage the power of the revolutionaryPolymatiQ™ Solver which employs AI, machine learning, and predictiveanalytics to dynamically adapt to market changes, providing highlyresponsive supply chain planning. ketteQ worked closely with quip toquickly implement a solution tailored to their needs, allowing them tocreate two distinct forecasts: one for subscription demand and anotherfor new sales.
PolymatiQ’s ™ high-speed scenario analysis and adaptive tuningenabled quip to quickly adjust to demand fluctuations, aligning theirsupply chain more closely with customer needs. By separating forecastsand applying intelligent scenario analysis, quip significantly reduced therisks of over- or under-stocking.
By implementing ketteQ’s PolymatiQ™Solver, quip experienced a transformativeimpact on their supply chain performance.
By separating subscription and newsales forecasts, quip streamlined theiroperations, improving cash flow andreducing excess stock
Enhanced efficiency allowed quip tomanage supply planning with a smallerteam, freeing up resources for strategicinitiatives.
Improved forecasting accuracy ensuredfaster and more reliable customerdeliveries, strengthening quip'sreputation for quality and service.
Reduced reliance on manual planningenabled quip to focus more on growthand innovation, setting the stage forcontinued market success.
ketteQ's PolymatiQ™ solution didn’t justprovide a new tool—it transformed quip'sentire approach to supply chainmanagement. By embracing anadaptive, data-driven model, quip isnow positioned to continue its rapidgrowth and deliver the quality productstheir customers love.
MobilityWorks saves $4.7 million in first 6 months with ketteQ.
HVAC equipment and control systems leader achieves 10% increase in On-Time Deliveries and improved inventory management.